
Sunday, 7 April 2013

How toys work

Today we learnt one way that toys work. So I am going to tell you guys how toys work. You can push a toy or pull a toy with a string.

I have learned that toys can work by  pushing pulling. twisting, winding and with batteries.  

I chose  this colourful toy that works by winding. You wind that little yellow screw on the side. This toy is from McDonald. McDonalds is a fast food restaurant. This toy has a lot of cogs and gears inside of it. McDonald have a lot of good toys that I could choose, but I chose this toy. I like toys that have cogs in them because it is just like it has batteries in it. This toy works by winding and when you wind this toy there are a lot of cogs and gears inside of it that spin and make things move. When you wind this toy the McDonald sign spins. Wouldn't you like to learn how toys work as well?


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